The futuristic new B-21 bomber took off on its first flight Friday morning from Palmdale, a milestone event as the plane continues testing. LA Times
VOA VIEW: Top secret seems like a joke.
Three-time Democrat Congressman Beto O'Rourke of Texas said President Joe Biden is "really failing us" on immigration policy and that "unexcited" Democratic voters are leaving "in droves." Newsmax
VOA VIEW: O'Rourke is a fool.
Ukraine's energy minister said the country will consider retaliatory strikes against Russia's oil and gas infrastructure if Moscow once again targets Ukraine's electric system ahead of winter. Newsmax
VOA VIEW: Time will tell.


Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., is pressing for subpoenas for the flight logs of the deceased alleged pedophile Jeffrey Epstein to identify other perpetrators who might have participated in the "horrific conduct" against children on Epstein's private Caribbean island and other places. Newsmax
VOA VIEW: Interesting!
An additional 1.2 million chickens will be slaughtered to prevent the spread of the bird flu after the virus was confirmed on an Iowa egg farm in the second massive case this week. Newsmax
Israel must stop bombing Gaza and killing civilians, French President Emmanuel Macron told the BBC in an interview published late on Friday. Macron said there was "no justification" for the bombing and saying a cease-fire would benefit Israel. Newsmax
VOA VIEW: Macron is an idiot.
The leaders of both Islamic countries appeared to put aside their historical animosities at a summit to present a united stand against Israel’s bombardment of the strip after Hamas’s attack. New York Times
VOA VIEW: No cease-fire will be approved by Israel.
How else are we going to resolve the questions that hang over our democracy? New York Times
Speaker Mike Johnson said that he would like to use billions in seized Russian assets to pay for President Biden's Ukraine aid request. Washington Times
VOA VIEW: It seems like a good idea.


The question of whether Georgia's electronic voting system has major cybersecurity flaws that amount to a violation of voters' constitutional rights to cast their votes and have those votes accurately counted is set to be decided at trial early next year. Washington Times
VOA VIEW: In person voting is the only way to assure accountability.
Alabama is set to execute a prisoner in January by nitrogen hypoxia, the first time that method of imposing the death penalty will be used in the U.S. Washington Times
According to new research, for many people a low-sodium diet may be as effective as taking a common blood pressure medication. CBS
VOA VIEW: This is long known.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that Israel should do more to avoid civilian casualties amid the war in Gaza, while the White House said it supported daily humanitarian pauses in the territory. In the U.S., tensions are running high and protests are growing. CBS
VOA VIEW: Biden is starting to weaken on his support of Israel.

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Veteran cemeteries are being built in states across the U.S. to ensure each soldier can be laid to rest within 75 miles of their home. CBS
Israel's prime minister is pushing back against calls from Western allies to do more to protect Palestinian civilians as troops encircled Gaza's largest hospital. CBS
VOA VIEW: Israel must not be influenced in fighting Hamas.
An Israeli air strike Friday hit Al-Shifa hospital, Gaza's largest, leaving several people dead, according to the Hamas-run health ministry. Israel insists Hamas is using Gaza hospitals to coordinate attacks and hide its commanders. CBS
VOA VIEW: Count on Israel telling the truth.


The union which represents thousands of hospitality workers reached deals with MGM, Caesars and Wynn Resorts. CBS
Jill Stein is presenting herself as a choice "outside the failed two-party system." CBS
A group of four state Republican lawmakers threatened to strip the state judiciary of its jurisdiction to hear cases related to Issue 1, the ballot measure approved by voters Tuesday. CBS
VOA VIEW: As they should.
Airlines have cut fares on many routes to fill seats as capacity rises during the off-season. CNBC
Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse said he hopes the U.S. will move beyond crypto regulation by litigation to a point where federal laws are introduced by Congress. CNBC

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Amazon is big business for many e-commerce entrepreneurs, but the costs and competition are complex, as the FTC case highlights. CNBC
Former President Donald Trump faces the prospect of multiple, separate criminal trials in 2024, as he seeks the GOP presidential nomination. CNBC
VOA VIEW: Wishful thinking by the left.
A growing group of Jewish alumni and students are calling on Harvard University to crack down on antisemitism on campus, with some threatening to withhold donations to the school. FOX News
VOA VIEW: They have to hold together.

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Amid mushrooming antisemitism on college campuses across the U.S., the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights launched a probe into the scandal-plagued management of Oberlin College for tolerating antisemitism FOX News
VOA VIEW: US colleges are receiving much funds from foreign interests.
The Biden-signed PACT Act led to a massive surge in VA claims, with some 27% of its claims on backlog, while the agency scrambles to hire and train more medical professionals. FOX News
VOA VIEW: Biden screws up everything he touches.
Over a thousand pro-Palestinian demonstrators flooded the streets of New York City on Friday to protest Israel's war in Gaza, temporarily closing Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan. FOX News
VOA VIEW: The must be arrested and prosecuted.
The Vatican, under the direction of Pope Francis, announced Saturday it has dismissed Joseph Strickland after the Texas-based bishop criticized the Church for discussing possible reforms on LGBTQ rights. UPI
Former President Donald Trump wants live televised coverage of his federal trial on charges he conspired to overturn the 2020 presidential election results, according to a new court filing. UPI
VOA VIEW: Trump will win over the prosecutors robust actions.
Last year's trio of explosions that ruptured the Nord Stream gas pipelines were orchestrated by a former senior Ukrainian military officer, the Washington Post reported Saturday. UPI
House Republicans unveiled a stopgap spending plan Saturday to avert a government shutdown in a week. UPI
VOA VIEW: Shutdown may be good for the nation.
The U.S. government has joined the Philippines government in condemning the Chinese Coast Guard for confronting a Filipino vessel with water cannon this week in a disputed part of the South China Sea. UPI
VOA VIEW: China must be held accountable.
North Korea and Russia on Saturday chastised U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken for comments about an alleged military cooperation between Pyongyang and Moscow to support their strategic goals. UPI
VOA VIEW: Blinken should push back,
Leaders of several Islamic and Arab nations meeting at a summit in Saudi Arabia Saturday condemned Israel's continued military operation in Gaza, calling for an immediate end to hostilities in the Palestinian enclave. UPI
VOA VIEW: The US should not backdown from Arab nations.
An Israel Defense Forces spokesman on Saturday denied widespread reports that troops were laying siege to Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza, which Israeli intelligence believes provides cover for Hamas' main headquarters. UPI
VOA VIEW: Bet that the info is correct.
Moody's Investors Service lowered its outlook of the nation's debt from stable to negative on Friday, saying the risks to the country's fiscal strength have increased with higher interest rates and rising debt costs. UPI
VOA VIEW: Biden stupidity.
Columbia University suspended two pro-Palestinian student organizations -- Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace -- for repeatedly holding unauthorized campus events. UPI
VOA VIEW: All should be arrested and prosecuted.

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